Personal Protection

Personal Protection

The modern world has changed the value of human life. Our communities are growing, and with that, there is an ever increasing importance in the protection of people in the workplace and those who protect us.

Our defence forces and law enforcement agencies are continually on the hunt for more innovative forms of protection against more ingenious threats. Because of these threats, there is an ever stronger importance for life protection. By proudly representing Teijin Aramid, Zedtex work closely with personal protection manufacturers to develop and implement protection solutions.

The modern world has changed the value of human life. Our communities are growing, and with that, there is an ever increasing importance in the protection of people in the workplace and those who protect us.

Our defence forces and law enforcement agencies are continually on the hunt for more innovative forms of protection against more ingenious threats. Because of these threats, there is an ever stronger importance for life protection. By proudly representing Teijin Aramid, Zedtex work closely with personal protection manufacturers to develop and implement protection solutions.

Personal Protection

Ballistic Armour

Heat & Cut

Workwear Fabrics

To learn more about what our specialised products and get an instant quote,
please get in touch with of our friendly team members based in Australia & NZ
Contact Zedtex on +61 3 9626 5400.